A week ago, it was the lovely Ms Siobhan's beeeeday (her first in Melbourne) and we had her and the Elflet over for a birthday afternoon tea. I had a moment of panic re: what to make that would be easy but delicious and impressive. Silly S-J — when in doubt, turn to Nigella.

I'd made the Boston Cream Pie previously and it was fine but not quite what I was looking for. Luckily, the Butterscotch Layer Cake was staring at me from the next page and when I read about the butterscotch cream cheese icing, I was in.

Nigella's Victoria Sponge recipe is next to foolproof and always delicious. I love this woman for many reasons, one of them being her "just put it in the food processor, peeps. It's just a cake!" philosophy.

It was a really delicious cake (so much so that the one in the photos is the one I made a week later for some other friends) and a big hit with everyone. It was also surprisingly light . . . or, more to the point, not as rich as you might suspect. Don't get me wrong - it is rich but it is also possible to finish a slice. Maybe even two slices.

P.S. The leftover butterscotch sauce is delicious on ice-cream. Om nom nom.
I didn't realise you had this blog - can I add you to the list of Aussie fat-o-sphere members on Axis of Fat?
@Natalie I wholeheartedly recommend this cake - epic deliciousness.
I would be honoured to be on the axis of fat!
It looks great, and as a fellow fat feminst food obsessive, I LOVE your blog name ;)
Thanks, Zoe. I was worried that it was a bit cutesy-matchy but it is a pretty good description of me so . . .
Oh wow, that looks amazing!
I found you through 'Axis of Fat' and as a fellow foodie I LOVE the idea for your blog.
Love food, Love Cooking, LOVE Nigella!
@lilabris — thank you and welcome to FFF! All Nigella lovers are welcome at all times!
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